Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Halitosis: Five Common Bad Breath Causes

There are very few things worse than morning breath. The stench that emanates from your mouth upon waking could scare off the dog, the children, or even your significant other. However, bad breath (halitosis) isn’t as severe as it seems, but it can affect your life in a negative way if not treated or addressed properly. One thing worse than a faint stink permeating your mouth is the alarm cock reminding you it’s time to rise and shine. Dr. Smith explains bad breath below, and he suggests tips on how to control your oral health to prevent the stench.

Common Causes

  1. Alcohol and/or Tobacco Use: These habits can leave a stingy residue smell in your mouth or directly feed the anaerobic bacteria with sugar that accumulate to cause stinky breath. 
  2. Bacteria: Microorganisms take cover between and around your teeth, surviving on your daily intake of food and liquid. If these bacteria are fed properly and aren’t prevented, they release toxins that can cause odors to emanate from your mouth 
  3. Pungent Foods or Beverages: Edibles, such as: garlic, onions, and fish are liable to cause odors on the breath, even hours after brushing your teeth. 
  4. Tonsils: If you still have tonsils, you may experience bad breath on a regular basis. There are holes in your tonsils called crypts, which facilitate the growth of bacteria, causing a smell similar to cheese to escape from your mouth. 
  5. Stomach Conditions: In some cases gastrointestinal (GI) issues can cause bad breath. Also, if you posses any cysts or ulcers in your stomach, they could issue an odor when you burp. Low carb diets also evoke bad breath due to a fat-burning process in the body called ketosis. 

Tips To Tackle Bad Breath

The following list shows a list of ways to tackle bad breath: 
  • Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Gargle peroxide to reduce bad breath
  • Rinse with fluoride mouthwash
  • Hydrate your body. Dehydration can be a reason for bad breath 
  • Antacids or lactase tablets to reduce upset stomach or GI problems
  • Cure sinus infections
  • Eat foods with antibacterial properties 
  • Chew gum that includes xylitol in ingredients 
  • See your dentist for regular dental checkups and cleanings

About Dr. Quinn Smith

Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced general, cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Pecan Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you’re a new or returning patient, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

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