Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Are E-Cigarettes Better for Your Smile?

In light of the numerous effects that smoking can have on your dental and overall health, many people have successfully made the great effort to quit the habit. Over the last few years, many others have turned to innovative electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, as an alternative way to receive nicotine minus the other chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Considering the fact that a burning cigarette produces over 7,000 chemicals, a lot of which are carcinogens, eliminating the excess can help eliminate many of the risks associated with smoking; but is your smile really safer with the switch?  

What About E-Cigarettes?

An e-cigarette is a battery-powered device that converts liquid nicotine into water vapor. Although one of its main ingredients, nicotine isn’t a major contributor to the health issues linked to tobacco. Nevertheless, no scientific evidence exists to suggest that e-cigarettes are completely harmless to your dental health, and Dr. Smith advises you not to smoke at all to best protect your oral and physical health.

Consequences of Cigarette Smoke

In its package, a cigarette contains about 600 different ingredients, all of which are government approved for consumption. When burned, however, cigarette tobacco yields an arsenal of toxins and carcinogens (chemicals known to cause cancer). These toxins can interfere with the normal function of your oral tissues’ cells, and facilitate a friendly environment for harmful bacteria by damaging your salivary glands. Issues associated with smoking include;
·         Mouth, throat, and other oral cancers
·         Lung cancer
·         Respiratory infections
·         Aggressive periodontitis (severe gum disease)
·         Tooth loss
·         Jawbone deterioration
If you’d like to learn how you can quit smoking, speak with your Grand Prairie family dentist today. Dr. Quinn can also help restore the damage done to your teeth and gums caused by tobacco use, or refer you to a specialist, if necessary, to address severe health concerns.

About Your Grand Prairie Family Dentist:

Dr. Quinn Smith is a well-respected and highly experienced family and children’s dentist in Grand Prairie, TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter our Park Tree Dental office, and he offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work that he performs. Whether you’re a new or returning patient, you can schedule a consultation or your next appointment with Dr. Smith by contacting us at (972) 262-5111.

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