Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sedation Dentistry Makes Your Visit Stress Free

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are not alone – approximately 9% to 15% of Americans struggle with this fear. Although you may know intellectually that a visit to the dentist is nothing to be afraid of, emotionally, you cannot overcome this hurdle. Even a routine cleaning may become a source of worry and stress, and you may have put off dental treatment for years because of your concerns. Fortunately, Dr. Quinn Smith, your Grand Prairie dentist, understands the stress that dental anxiety can cause. For this reason, he offers gentle, effective sedation dentistry, enabling you to receive the dental care you need with as little stress as possible.

Types of Sedation Available

Dr. Quinn offers three types of sedation, and he will help you select the best method, based on the degree of your anxiety and the treatment you are receiving.
·         Oral sedation: This is the mildest type of sedation, and you may choose this method if you only suffer from mild dental anxiety. Dr. Quinn will prescribe a limited dose of valium prior to treatment. You will take one pill the night before to help you sleep, and you may take another pill the day of your treatment. You should carefully monitor your reaction to the drug and ask someone to drive you to and from the dentist’s office, if necessary.
·         Nitrous oxide: If you select this method, you will breath in a clear, odorless gas delivered through a mask. You will experience a sense of euphoria and calm, and you may feel some heaviness or tingling in your arms and legs. Many patients become talkative and giggly, which is why nitrous oxide is more commonly called “laughing gas.” Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so you will be able to drive yourself home soon after treatment.
·         IV sedation: If you suffer from severe dental anxiety, or if you are having a lengthy procedure, Dr. Quinn may prescribe IV sedation. This type of sedation induces a “twilight sleep.” You will be able to answer questions and follow instructions by the dental staff. However, when the medicine wears off, you will have very little memory of the procedure, if any. To ensure your complete safety, Dr. Quinn works with a registered anesthesiologist, who will administer the medication. If you select this method, you will definitely need to have a friend or family member drive you home.
Each of these three types of sedation will leave you feeling comfortable and relaxed, enabling you to receive the dental treatment you need to retain your beautiful, healthy smile

About Dr. Quinn Smith: Dr. Quinn Smith is a respected and experienced family dentist in Grand Prairie TX. He takes a patient-first approach that starts from the moment patients enter the dental office and offers a three-year guarantee on all dental work. New patients can schedule an appointment or a consultation with Dr. Smith by calling 972-262-5111.

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