Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Keep Your Breath Fresh This Holiday Season

Even if you don’t plan on being caught under the mistletoe this holiday season, you’d probably still prefer not to deal with embarrassing bad breath while celebrating the holidays. After all, you don’t have to kiss someone for your bad breath to offend them. Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, knows that bad breath can linger for a number of reasons, and regardless of its cause, it can hinder your confidence and interfere with the joy of the season. To help keep your breath fresh this season, and always, Dr. Smith offers a few tips for defeating the common causes of persistent bad breath, or halitosis.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Routine General Dentistry Can Save Your Smile

Restoring damaged and diseased teeth is one of the most common reasons for visiting the dentist, along with improving a smile’s appearance through customized cosmetic dentistry. Modern technology has provided the tools to rebuild most smiles with lifelike results, although you would probably prefer not to undergo extensive treatment if you can avoid it. Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, employs a wide variety of general dentistry services to help patients preserve their healthy, beautiful smiles, usually with a focus on preventing issues from developing in the first place.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How Dental Implants Prevent Loose Dentures

If you’ve lost all of your teeth on one or both dental ridges, then chances are that you now rely on a complete denture to restore your mouth’s ability to function (as well as your smile’s pleasing appearance). Made from an entire row of lifelike replacement teeth situated on a comfortable plastic base, dentures have long been the go-to solution for patients who’ve lost most or all of their teeth on the upper and/or lower dental ridges.  Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, often advises patients who need dentures, or any form of replacement teeth, to support their prosthesis on one or more dental implants. As prosthetic teeth roots, implants help provide unmatched support for your new teeth, and help eliminate the common and often-frustrating problem of loose dentures.

Friday, December 13, 2013

How Dangerous Are Bleeding Gums?

By the time you’re diagnosed with gum disease, the condition has likely been developing for a while. You may have even noticed gingivitis (early gum disease) developing, perhaps without realizing the meaning of its symptoms. For instance, gums that bleed when you brush your teeth can indicate a progressive infection, though many patients consider occasionally bleeding gums normal. Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, warns patients that bleeding is never harmless, and if you notice a little pink in your sink when brushing your teeth, then you should schedule an examination as soon as possible to prevent gingivitis from maturing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sedation Dentistry Makes Your Visit Stress Free

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are not alone – approximately 9% to 15% of Americans struggle with this fear. Although you may know intellectually that a visit to the dentist is nothing to be afraid of, emotionally, you cannot overcome this hurdle. Even a routine cleaning may become a source of worry and stress, and you may have put off dental treatment for years because of your concerns. Fortunately, Dr. Quinn Smith, your Grand Prairie dentist, understands the stress that dental anxiety can cause. For this reason, he offers gentle, effective sedation dentistry, enabling you to receive the dental care you need with as little stress as possible.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist’s Cavity Timeline

A cavity is a hole that develops and grows in your tooth’s structure when it’s infected with bacteria. Cavities are also the most widespread chronic disease among people in the United States, affecting over 90% of adults over the age of 60. Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, considers these numbers unacceptable, especially since cavities are highly preventable. For patients who fail to prevent the formation of tooth decay and cavities, Dr. Smith can restore the health and integrity of a decaying tooth, depending on how severe the cavity has become.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How Dental Crowns Save Teeth

Protecting your teeth from harm is fairly simple when good hygiene is practiced. Brushing and flossing every day controls the bacteria that cause tooth decay, and six-month dental checkups and cleanings allow Dr. Smith to detect and treat early signs of trouble. Unfortunately, prevention isn’t always successful, and dental care for many patients involves repairing injured or infected teeth and protecting them from further harm. With one or more custom-made dental crowns, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, can help restore your smile after your teeth have suffered damage, or have been treated for cavities. In extreme cases, a dental crown can even replace a lost or extracted tooth without the need for a conventional dental bridge.