Thursday, October 24, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Refreshes Your Memory on General Dentistry

You probably brush your teeth at least twice a day, but how familiar are you with the process of tooth decay and what homecare actually does to prevent it? Understanding how harmful oral bacteria attack teeth is quite valuable in recognizing the importance of both homecare and general dentistry. Therefore, your Grand Prairie dentist is examining tooth decay below.

Oral Bacteria and Your Teeth

The mouth is home to bacteria both good and bad. The bad bacteria attach themselves to teeth by forming a clear, sticky substance called plaque. It is important to remove this substance quickly because within 48 hours, it can become tartar (hardened plaque), which is very difficult to remove from teeth.

To remove plaque from teeth, you have valuable tools at your disposal, a toothbrush and dental floss. By brushing and flossing regularly, you can remove plaque and prevent tartar from building on your teeth. However, homecare is not your only defense against oral bacteria. If tartar does begin to build on your teeth, a hygienist can remove it during a dental cleaning, removing the bacteria so that they cannot damage your teeth.

Tooth Decay and General Dentistry

As a first line of defense against tooth decay, general dentistry offers dental cleanings. However, sometimes teeth may succumb to tooth decay as harmful bacteria succeed in creating a cavity. When a cavity develops, it is important that a dental filling be placed as soon as possible. An untreated cavity can worsen, with the tooth at risk of developing an infection and eventually dying. Dental fillings are placed after the bacteria responsible for the decay is moved, and their function is to reinforce the tooth and prevent further damage.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie General Dentist

Do you have any lingering questions about general dentistry? Are you in need of a dental checkup or a filling? If so, contact your Grand Prairie general dentist, Dr. Smith, today to schedule an appointment or a consultation by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

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