Thursday, October 31, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Fast Braces

What Are Fast Braces?

Does the alignment of your teeth cause you embarrassment? Do you want a fast solution? If so, Fast Braces from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, may be just the thing for you. Offering an average treatment time of about 12 months (less in some cases), Fast Braces can shave as much as a year off of the treatment times offered by traditional braces. What sets Fast Braces apart is the triangular design of the brackets, which move the root and crown of teeth at the same time. This method stands in contrast to traditional braces which move the crown first followed by the root. The end result is a smile you will be proud to show off in a fraction of the treatment time.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist: Benefits of a Family Dentist

Do you attend the same dental office as your children? If you do not, you may be missing a great opportunity for family dental care. A family dentist, like your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, is a dentist who works with patients of any age. Oftentimes, this experience will be beneficial to parents as it will allow them to develop a relationship with the caregiver of their children’s teeth more easily than they could if their children were attending a separate pediatric dentist.

When searching for a family dentist, it is important that you ask the right questions. First, ask about the procedures that the dentist can perform in his office. For instance, does he or she work with emergency patients or are there special arrangements made for emergency patients? It is also important to discuss insurance and whether the dental office accepts your insurance provider. In addition, during your consultation, you should get a feel for the dentist’s demeanor and consider how he or she will interact with you and your family. Lastly, look for a dentist in a location near your house, as driving long distances can become a hassle and can be a serious hindrance in a dental emergency.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Refreshes Your Memory on General Dentistry

You probably brush your teeth at least twice a day, but how familiar are you with the process of tooth decay and what homecare actually does to prevent it? Understanding how harmful oral bacteria attack teeth is quite valuable in recognizing the importance of both homecare and general dentistry. Therefore, your Grand Prairie dentist is examining tooth decay below.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Quizzes You on Porcelain Veneers

Have you considered some type of cosmetic dental treatment to transform your smile? If so, porcelain veneers may be just the treatment you have been looking for. But just how much do you know about porcelain veneers? To find out, test your knowledge with the following quiz from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, and check your answers below.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cedar Hill Dentist Explains Why Bruxism Treatment Is Important

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can occur without one’s knowledge. A bruxism habit can do this because it will often occur at night, when the sleeper is none the wiser to what is going on. Unfortunately, this attribute of bruxism habits makes them very dangerous as significant damage can occur without your knowledge. Therefore, if you notice any signs that could point toward bruxism, it is important that you seek dental assistance. To learn more about bruxism and its treatment, read the information from your Cedar Hill dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, below.

Monday, October 14, 2013

South Dallas Dentist Shares Flossing Tips

Most people are familiar with the ins and outs of brushing as they brush their teeth 2-3 times per day. Fewer people, on the other hand, would consider themselves skilled at flossing. A very important part of homecare, flossing is often neglected to the detriment of oral health. Therefore, your South Dallas dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, has put together a list of flossing tips to help you boost your homecare.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Questions about Teeth Whitening

Are stained teeth making you feel unhappy and self-conscious? Have you considered teeth whitening treatment? If you have considered it but still have some lingering questions, read below as your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, responds to several frequently asked questions about teeth whitening.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Explains the Purpose of a Dental Bridge

Restorative dentistry has many tools for replacing missing teeth and restoring smiles. Among these tools are full dentures, partial dentures, dental implants, dental crowns, and even dental bridges. Of these dental devices, dental bridges may be among the least talked about, so to ensure that you are up to speed on the role of a dental bridge in restoring a smile, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, is taking a closer look at the function of dental bridges below.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Lists Several Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of procedures to enhance the appearance of a smile. Among these procedures are teeth whitening treatment, dental bonding, tooth contouring, and several more. But perhaps no procedure offers transformations as extensive and rapid as those produced by porcelain veneers. To learn more about the benefits of porcelain veneers, consult the following list provided by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.