Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Quizzes You on Zoom! Whitening

What color is a beautiful smile? Chances are you said white. Therefore, if you have dull or yellow teeth, why not consider teeth whitening treatment? Many things can conspire to yellow our teeth, but professional teeth whitening treatment can combat them. To learn more about the Zoom! Whitening treatment offered by your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, try your hand at the following quiz and check your answers below.

Take the Quiz

1.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening takes about one hour to complete.

2.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening can remove any type of stain from teeth.

3.      True or False: Zoom! Whitening is the only whitening treatment offered by your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist.

Check Your Answers

1.      True. The Zoom! Whitening procedure is a very quick process designed to deliver speedy and dramatic results. During the procedure, Dr. Smith will cover your lips and gums before applying a whitening solution to your teeth. He will then activate the solution with a special light. This process will occur in cycles of about 15 minutes. At the end of one hour, your teeth will be visibly brighter, and you can show off your smile on the way out the door.

2.      False. While teeth whitening is effective against many stains, there are some stains that are beyond the reach of the treatment. These intrinsic stains (named because of their location deep inside teeth) are inaccessible for the whitening agents. However, if your teeth are discolored by extrinsic stains, do not fret. Porcelain veneers can cover the stains and give you the bright smile you want fast.

3.      False. Zoom! is the fastest whitening treatment that Dr. Smith offers. However, if you would prefer to whiten your teeth in the privacy of your own home, you can receive a take-home whitening kit. The kit takes about two weeks to show its full results.

Schedule a Visit with Your Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist

Are you interested in trying Zoom! Whitening? If so, contact your Grand Prairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Smith, today by calling 972-262-5111. Our 75052 dental office welcomes patients from Grand Prairie, Arlington, South Dallas, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, and surrounding communities.

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