Saturday, September 27, 2014

“But I Don’t Remember Grinding My Teeth!”

Your dentist tells you that it seems you’ve been grinding your teeth, but you don’t recall any specific instances of actually doing so. The problem with bruxism—the clinical name for destructive teeth-grinding—is that it’s most likely to occur in your sleep, so you’re bound to have no recollection of it. So how can your dentist tell? Usually by detecting the typical signs, like excessively worn teeth, during your routine dental checkup; making regular dental visits all the more important.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ways to Prevent Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

Given the fact that it’s the leading cause of adult tooth loss in theUnited States, successfully preventing gum disease is one of the most effective ways of preserving your teeth. However, its prevalence belies the fact that gum disease prevention isn’t typically complex. The good news is that, even if it develops, the condition may be reversed if treated in its early stage (called gingivitis). To help you better prevent gum disease, or stop it in its tracks if it becomes an issue, we offer a few ways to prevent gum disease and the tooth loss that it can cause.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dental Implants—The Closest Thing to Natural Teeth

As dentistry has advanced over the centuries, the methods and materials used to address tooth loss have become more and more realistic. The advent of dentures, partial dentures, dental bridges, and various forms of dental porcelain make for a wide variety of options when it comes to choosing the right replacement teeth. However, the most recent innovation—dental implants—hold the key to making your replacement teeth more realistic than ever before by reestablishing the roots of your lost teeth.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kids and Cavities

As a parent, you worry about how well your kids take care of their teeth. You spent the better part of their early childhood teaching them to brush and floss, and you come up with innovative ways to excite them about visiting the dentist every six months. If they follow the tenets of good hygiene that you so diligently taught them, then your kids should be no more likely to develop cavities than the average adult. However, considering that over 90% of adults in the United States have had at least one cavity in their permanent teeth, those odds aren't necessarily comforting.

Friday, September 12, 2014

How You Care for Your Toothbrush Matters

For many of us, it’s tough enough dedicating adequate time in our busy days to properly brushing and flossing our teeth. With such limited time, that attention might not always extend to how well you care for your toothbrush when you’re not using it. Unfortunately, improper care can render your toothbrush not only ineffective, but a liability to your dental health, increasing your risk of tooth damage and diseases stemming from poor hygiene.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Is There a Better Way to Floss?

It should be ingrained into your dental hygiene routine so well that flossing is as natural as brushing your teeth. Unfortunately, for many people, it’s not, and for others, a cursory pass between a few teeth once in a while is all of the flossing they’ll commit to. However, if you’re among those who take their dental health seriously and you’re diligent about flossing, then you should know if there’s a better way to floss thoroughly without damaging your sensitive gums. To find out, compare your flossing techniques to our professional recommendations.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Teeth-Whitening Test of Wits

Whether one or two of your teeth are stained, or all of your teeth have just sort of lost their shiny hue, teeth-whitening might be heavy on your mind if you’re unhappy because of tooth discoloration. Despite the ease and convenience of the procedure, however, there are several things you should know about teeth-whitening before deciding if it’s the right option.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Important Questions About Gum Disease

It affects over 75% of adults in the United States, and if not treated, it can lead to the permanent loss of one or more of your teeth. It’s also highly-preventable, and most people who experience it could have avoided it, so why is gum disease still one of the most destructive dental health issues around? Typically, gum disease is allowed to progress because of a lack of knowledge about gum health and disease. If you don’t recognize the signs, you might not know to seek treatment in time. For a better understanding about gum disease and how to protect your smile against it, we answer a few important questions about the notorious condition.