Sunday, August 31, 2014

Understanding Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis

Fluoride is a negatively charged ion of the element fluorine. It’s naturally found in water, food, and soil, and is also artificially synthesized in laboratories for various uses, including water fluoridation. For decades, people have debated the wisdom of treating public water supplies with small amounts of fluoride. On one side of the debate, research has proven that fluoride in small measures promotes healthy mouths by fighting cavity formation. On the other, people believe that fluoridating water supplies is useless and unsafe. Rather than reignite the flames of debate, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explains how fluoride helps your teeth and why some people consider it dangerous.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Children’s Dentistry, Hygiene, and Care

As placeholders for the permanent teeth that have yet to come in, young children’s teeth need as much care as yours; in some cases, more. That care begins with what you teach your children about good hygiene and dental care, from brushing and flossing their teeth to visiting the dentist on a regular basis. Because they’ll carry what they learn into their teens and adulthood, the children’s dentistry services we offer include helping you teach your children the basics of properly caring for teeth.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Why It’s Harder for Athletes to Prevent Cavities

Endurance athletes put their bodies through a lot in order to get in proper shape and condition for marathons, triathlons, and other main sporting events. The training period can often be brutal, and while your body may be at its peak fitness at the end, your teeth may not be so strong and healthy. Studies show that, when working out intensely, athletes are at a significantly higher risk for tooth-decaying cavities. Experts owe the phenomenon to a combination of increased risk factors, such as poor dental nutrition and weaker natural defenses, and warn athletes to pay special attention to their dental health when training.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Can a Cavity Strike the Same Tooth Twice?

If a tooth can’t regrow the structure that it loses to a cavity, does that mean that cavities can’t affect the same tooth twice? Unfortunately, they can. Cavities are a result of tooth decay, a bacterial infection; even if the tooth is treated, it’s still susceptible to infection that could destroy what remains of the tooth’s healthy structure. Fortunately, keeping the treated tooth healthy is as simple as keeping the rest of your teeth healthy. Practice good hygiene by brushing and flossing at least twice a day, and attend your regular dental checkup and cleaning as often as recommended.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Answers to Questions About TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder (a dysfunction with your jaw’s joints) is one of the most evasive dental issues, despite the sometimes-debilitating nature of the pain it causes. Actually, the wide range of possible TMJ warning signs is one of the main reasons why diagnosing the condition can be difficult. Besides jaw pain, symptoms can also include headaches, earaches, dizziness, and other symptoms that might not even seem to relate to your dental health. To help you determine if you should be concerned about your jaw health, we answer a few common questions about TMJ disorder, and why it causes such widespread discomfort.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What if You Don’t Want a Metal Filling?

Dental fillings, a treatment that restores teeth infected by cavities, are most-often made from a mixture of silver, tin, copper, mercury, and other metals; also known as amalgam. While metal fillings are highly-durable, their popularity is due more to the fact that they’ve endured as effective restorations for over a century and a half. In more modern times, Dr. Smith offers patients a more advanced, and better looking, alternative to metal fillings in the form of white composite resin; commonly referred to as white tooth fillings.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What Do I Do If My Dental Crown Breaks?

If you crack or break a tooth, or if your tooth needs significant treatment for a cavity, then your dentist may recommend a dental crown to restore and protect the tooth. Designed to cover, or cap, your entire a tooth, a crown is often the only way to prevent it from suffering more damage due to its weakened state. However, though highly-effective, dental crowns can also suffer damage, either from undue force, improper placement, or any of a number of other factors. If your dental crown breaks, then the tooth it was meant to protect will once again be exposed and vulnerable, and Dr. Smith advises seeking professional treatment immediately.

Monday, August 4, 2014

An Overview of Brushing Your Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth is the most basic, most repetitive, and perhaps the most important aspect of effective personal dental hygiene. However, did you know that improperly brushing your teeth can cause more harm to your smile than good? Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explains how to get the most out of your toothbrush and toothpaste by outlining the tenets of brushing your teeth properly.