Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Repair Your Chipped Tooth with Your Grand Prairie Dentist

Did you know that many people grind their teeth without realizing it? The truth is that a large portion of bruxism (teeth grinding) occurs during sleep. Oftentimes this nighttime habit is discovered by a dental professional, who notices signs of wear on a patient’s teeth. The patient is then prescribed an oral appliance, called a sleep guard, for nighttime wear. The sleep guard protects the patient’s teeth from further damage caused by bruxism. However, if the patient does not receive a sleep guard, or if he or she neglects to wear it, teeth may chip and become damaged. Thankfully, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, can repair chipped teeth. Below, he discusses a couple of options for restoring a damaged smile.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz about White Fillings

A dental filling becomes necessary when tooth decay results in the development of a cavity in a tooth. Cavities require treatment before the decay worsens and puts the health of the entire tooth at risk. Without intervention, infection can soon follow a cavity, necessitating root canal treatment. Soon after infection, a tooth may die and fall out. Much of the information about tooth decay and dental fillings is common knowledge. But did you know that fillings no longer come in just a silver color? Take this quiz from your Grand Prairie dentist below and see what you find out about white fillings.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Your Dental Implant FAQs

Tooth loss can be a scary thing. It can be hard to believe that such a small loss can have such a large impact upon your day-to-day life. Even harder to accept is the fact that the missing tooth or teeth are gone forever. Fortunately, dental implants can replace missing teeth with functional and lifelike prosthetics. To help you discover more about these dental miracles, your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, is answering your most frequently asked questions about dental implants.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist: Do Kids Really Need Dental Fillings?

One of the first things we learn about teeth is that people have two sets. The first set, the baby teeth, fall out during childhood to be replaced by the adult teeth. Knowing that a second set of teeth is waiting to take over, you may begin to wonder whether dental care like a filling is even necessary for a baby tooth. After all, if it falls out, the adult tooth can eventually take over. But neglecting a filling in a baby tooth can have serious consequences. Here to discuss those consequences is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Shares Four Homecare Tips for You and Your Family

Good homecare provides a solid foundation for a healthy mouth. If you are able to keep bacteria at bay, you will not be bothered by tooth decay or gum disease. Unfortunately, keeping bacteria from attacking your teeth and gums is easier said than done, which is why your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith is here with four homecare tips that you and your family members can put into practice.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz on Porcelain Veneers

What do you see when you smile in the mirror. If the answer is anything less than your ideal smile, you deserve better. Life is simply too short to spend time feeling embarrassed about your teeth. Just the simple act of trying to hide your smile can alter your mood, sapping the joy from your experiences. So isn’t it time you got the smile you’ve always wanted? Porcelain veneers offer one quick and easy way to make your dream smile a reality. To learn the full extent of their benefits, take this quiz from your GrandPrairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, and check your answers below. You’ll be glad you did.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz on Dental Emergencies

If an emergency occurs, you need the knowledge and the confidence to act quickly and efficiently. Panic and uncertainty can only slow you down and eat away precious seconds. But do you know what to do for, say, a knocked-out tooth? Even if you are certain that you do, you may gain some more confidence and self-assurance by putting your knowledge to the test and taking this dental emergency quiz from your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Have you ever wondered why many people have their wisdom teeth removed? It seems strange that a large group of people all require the removal of a natural tooth. Yet extracting wisdom teeth can prevent many oral health problems including orthodontic problems and the possibility of infections. Here to explain why wisdom teeth extraction is often necessary is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses How Your Diet Impacts Your Oral Health

Your diet can have a major impact on your oral health. So when you are choosing between foods, it is important to know whether your choice will be feeding you or the bacteria that cause tooth decay.  Here to discuss how diet can impact your oral health is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.