Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Answers Your Zoom! Whitening FAQs

Yellow teeth have a bigger impact on people than they would sometimes care to admit. The truth is that if you are embarrassed by the color of your teeth, you are not likely to enjoy your life. After coming to that realization, then next logical step is to find the means to whiten your teeth. However, with so many treatments available, it can be difficult to choose between them. Here with some much needed information is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith. He answers your most frequently asked questions about Zoom! Whitening.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grand Prairie Dentist Talks Yellow Teeth

If you have yellow teeth, you may be hiding your smile out of embarrassment. If so, your mood has probably gone south along with your self-esteem. The impact that smiling has on a person’s outlook is quite astounding. Smiling often can lead to a more positive outlook for you and the people around you. Unfortunately, you are not likely to smile if you are embarrassed by your teeth. But with professional teeth whitening, you have the power to change the way you feel about smiling. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, discusses the transformative power of teeth whitening.

Grand Prairie Dentist Compares Zoom! Whitening with Professional Home Whitening

If you have yellow teeth, you may be embarrassed to smile. Nothing sets off a beautiful smile like pearly white teeth. But with all of the treatments available to whiten teeth, how do you know which treatment is right for you? Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, compares Zoom! Whitening with professional home teeth whitening.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Fillings

Any bacteria that linger in your mouth will consume traces of sugars and carbohydrates. When they do, they produce an acid byproduct that is capable of wearing down tooth enamel. With less enamel, a tooth’s defenses are compromised, and it can eventually succumb to tooth decay. The result of such tooth decay may be a cavity. In order to prevent a cavity from worsening, it must be filled, and today that means a choice between two fillings commonly referred to as silver fillings and white fillings. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, differentiates between the two and discusses the process of filling teeth.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses the Importance of Mouth Guards

If you play a contact sport, padding is very important. Imagine taking a hit from a safety without pads. Or imagine the way a hockey puck would feel if a slap shot hit you in the shins when you weren’t wearing shin guards. You probably wouldn’t step onto a football field or a hockey rink without pads, but if you play these sports without mouth guards, you are inviting the same kinds of pain and calamity. Without a mouth guard, a fun afternoon of sport could turn into a dental emergency. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explains how mouth guards can prevent several kinds of dental emergencies.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Get Your Ideal Smile Fast with Lumineers

When you examine your teeth, do you see a crowded thicket of gnarled and worn teeth? Do you want to see perfectly ordered, pearly white rows instead? The prospect of a lot of dental work may be daunting. After all, no one wants to spend a lifetime in the dental chair. We want quick results so that we have time to enjoy them. Well, look no farther for a quick smile than Lumineers. Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explains how Lumineers can transform your teeth from crowded thicket to ordered pickets in record time.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Preserving a Knocked-Out Tooth

You’re at a baseball game, enjoying the sunshine and a refreshing breeze. The grass is green, and the sky is blue. You turn to check the score on the scoreboard when suddenly you hear a loud crack as bat and ball collide. You turn your head and barely have time to register a white speck growing larger, screaming towards you. You brace for impact, and pain explodes across your face.

You’re in shock, trying to comprehend the pain, and for a while, you don’t notice the gap that has manifested in your smile. You turn to a friend, who gasps and points to your mouth, and for the first time, you notice the absence. You find the tooth, dirty from the stadium floor, but with no water or milk nearby, what do you do? Your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, shares tips for preserving a knocked-out tooth in difficult situations.

Grand Prairie Dentist: A Healthy Mouth Can Mean a Healthy Heart

Have you ever noticed how interconnected the body is? Its systems affect one another in numerous ways, and doctors continue to find links between two things that seem unrelated. Gum disease and heart disease are two of those things. Recently, doctors have found that gum disease patients are more likely to develop heart disease. Your GrandPrairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, discusses this new research and what a healthy mouth can do for your heart.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Get Your Free Kids’ Brushing Chart

Is your child’s toothbrush feeling lonely and neglected? Do you want to see it feeling happy and useful? Sometimes, despite your best efforts, kids can get the best of you. No matter how hard you try to get them to brush their teeth, they won’t yield. Unfortunately, they (and their lonely toothbrushes) are the ones that suffer because neglecting to brush can allow bacteria to flourish and attack their teeth and gums. But your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, has a tool that just may help you convince your child to brush: a free tooth brushing chart.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses the Restorative Power of Dental Implants

The means of replacing lost teeth have evolved over the years. In the past, prosthetic teeth were made out of all sorts of materials like wood or ivory. These false teeth were very uncomfortable and not very convincing. Today, however, prosthetic teeth are functional and aesthetically appealing. They are also capable of preventing the many complications that stem from lost teeth. Your Grand Prairiedentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, explains why dental implants are the current pinnacle of tooth replacement.

Grand Prairie Dentist Has Advice for Dental Emergencies

Picture a nice day at the park, just you and your kids. The sun is bright and warm. A soft breeze washes over you, carrying the soft tunes of bird song. Then suddenly you hear it: a loud bang and your child crying. As you are running, you notice the hand clasped firmly in front of the mouth and a trickle of blood seeping through the fingers. Do you know what to do?

A dental emergency can occur for you or your child at any moment. Knowing the proper steps to take in the event of an emergency can offer you greater peace of mind and better care in the event of any trouble. Here to share some advice about dental emergencies is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith. He discusses three common dental emergencies.

Grand Prairie Dentist Discusses Children and Bruxism

Did you know that 38 percent of children grind their teeth? If you’ve even seen your child grinding his or her teeth, you may have found the sawing noise and the sight of the clenched jaw moving back and forth to be disconcerting. After all, how could it not be bad for your child’s teeth? Surely, dental assistance is necessary, right? Before you schedule a dental visit, you might like to know that dental treatment typically isn’t necessary for treating teeth grinding, or bruxism, in children. Here to discuss the matter further is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Teach Your Child to Floss

Flossing can be a bit of a sore subject when it comes to dental care. Not only can flossing cause temporarily sensitive gums if not done regularly, but it can also lead to arguments between parents and their children. For some reason, kids don’t want to floss. Unfortunately, enumerating the benefits of flossing will probably do little to change your child’s mind. Children seem to have the innate ability to overlook the fact that floss can clean portions of their teeth where a toothbrush cannot. Luckily, your GrandPrairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, is here to help with tips for teaching your child to floss.

Grand Prairie Cosmetic Dentist Shares Tips for a More Attractive Smile

Does your smile light up a room? If the answer is no, you deserve better. Your smile should wow everyone fortunate enough to see it. Having a beautiful smile is a major confidence booster. So if you’re unhappy with what you see in the mirror, if your smile is making you grimace, don’t settle. Here to help is your GrandPrairie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith. He has tips for achieving the attractive smile you’ve always wanted.

Grand Prairie Dentist: Five Benefits of Implant-Retained Dentures

If you wear dentures, have you ever thought of getting them stabilized with dental implants? Dental implants feature titanium posts, coated with a special substance that encourages them to fuse with the jawbone. After they are placed and enough time has passed to ensure a good bonding of bone and post, small connective pieces called abutments are added. The abutments then serve as the connecters between the posts and the dentures. Through this process, dentures can be attached to the jawbone, making them feel more like natural teeth. Here to discuss the benefits of implant-retained dentures is your Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith.

Grand Prairie Dentist Has Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush Properly

Establishing good oral hygiene habits at a young age sets children up for a lifetime of good oral health. But teaching children to brush their teeth properly can be difficult. They may lose focus or just not want to brush their teeth. However, it’s very important not to give up. It may be tempting to think that baby teeth are destined to fall out anyway, that brushing really isn’t that important at a young age, but that just isn’t true. Children who suffer tooth decay that leads to early tooth loss often have orthodontic problems and can also suffer from infections that affect their health. So don’t give up on teaching your little one how to brush. Your Grand Prairie children’s dentist, Dr. Quinn Smith, shares some tips for teaching kids how to brush their teeth correctly.